Test Rigs
DSi has acquired a strong expertise in the development, manufacturing and installation of dedicated test tools for engines and lubricants.
Field of Application
Lubricant benchmarking
Friction loss measurement
Wear of valve trains
Controlled conditions
Cokefaction tendencies of oil formulations
Rotation speed from 0 to 7500 rpm for valvetrains or up to 10 000 rpm
Oil temperature conditioning from 35 to 135°C or up to 250°C
Oil flow regulation down to 0.6 l/min
Coolant temperature conditioning from 35°C to 110°C
Accurate torque measurement up to 100 +/- 0.015 Nm
Standard acquisition up to 100Hz
Fast acquisition up to 30 kHz / 256 points per rotation
Custom made possibilities
Mechanical design according to the system to test
Oil conditions (Temperature, pressure,flow rate,...)
Coolant conditioning
Conditioner dimensions
Combine Test Rigs with TC-Lube
Components tested
Fluid conditioning systems
Turnkey solutions
Cylinder head benches
Development, manufacturing and installation of a turn-key aeration test rig for formula 1 oil tank
Development and manufacturing of oil and water conditioners for test beds with very accurate flow and temperature control (engine test facility)
Development of test rigs for friction losses measurement
Development of test procedures to compare the impact of lubricant formulation and oil aging on engine wear
Development of separate oil conditioning equipment for turbochargers : TC-Lube
Cylinder-head test rig
For benchmarking oil formulations
Design and manufacturing of cylinder-head support with oil and coolant circulation
Accurate torque measurement
Fast acquisition of 265 points per rotation
Validating oil formulations at different temperatures
Can be combined with TLA/RNT for online wearing of valvetrain components
Can be combined with Air-X for aeration measurement on cylinder-heads
On site measurements