Oil Aeration Measurement

Air-X measures oil aeration in real time.

Field of Application

  • Air-X is an instrument designed for on-line monitoring of oil aeration in a running mechanical system. The operating principle is based on an accurate density measurement using X-ray transmission. An oil sample coming from the mechanical system is circulated continuously into a compact measuring chamber where the density measurement is performed.

  • Applicable on all fluids, our equipment, originally applied on engines, can be used in a lot of applications.

  • Combine it with Air-Mix to generate controlled aeration and measure it.

  • Medical : read case study

Measurement Performances

  • Real time aeration monitoring from 0% to 100%

  • Accuracy 0.5% at 10 sec and 0.2% at 100 sec

  • Oil or fluid flow variable from 0,5 to 5 liters/min

  • T° range : -10°C to 160°C

Custom Made Possibilities

  • Air-X exists under different versions : standard, compact and super compact.

  • Possible to buy or rent (weekly, monthly, yearly)

  • User-friendly set-up : autonomous just after 1 day training, simple interface with logical functions, maintenance only every 2 years

  • Tests can be performed in our DSi test centre or in your own facilities

Combine it with an Air-Mix to generate and measure oil controlled aeration

Air-Mix is a Fluid Conditioning System with Controlled Air Content

Useful for Eclectic Fields

  • Automotive

  • Racing

  • Mobility (railroad & trucks)

  • Production line

  • Medical

  • Offshore oil industry

  • Naval

Worldwide References

  • 60 Air-X sold worldwide in 30+ countries

  • 75% of all engine manufacturers have already used Air-X

  • 100% of all Formula One engines manufacturers use Air-X

Is the Air-X suitable for Racing Application?

Stay updated

New Sensor for Oil Aeration Measurement