Air-X is often used to measure oil aeration but is it possible to use it with other fluids ?
Yes we already used this equipment with blood, fuel and water.
We improved our measuring system to use it with blood. In this project, the device was used with bovine blood circulating in a medical dializer circuit. Aeration or gases in the oil is really bad for the engine and it’s the same for the human body, air in the blood can lead to bad consequences: gas embolism and other health issues.
The project shows that the radiotracer techniques inside the Air-X can improve medical R&D and detect the aeration in really small fluid flows at a really small aeration rate.
Whatever the R&D field, the Air-X is the appropriate solution for the aeration measurement in all types of fluids. Feel free to contact us for more information about aeration measurement, we always customize our equipments to the demand.