Engine Wear
The TLA/RNT method allows performing on-line wear measurement on running engines.
Field of Application
TLA-RNT equipment operating principle is based on the use of the Thin Layer Activation (TLA) technology (also called RNT for Radio Nuclide Technique). The methodology is based on the production of radiotracers on the surface of wear parts.
TLA/RNT system allows measuring the impact of oil formulations on parts’ wear.
Combine it with Air-Mix for specific engine conditions.
Combine it with TC-Lube for specific turbocharger wear measurement.
Easy to install: Oil is directly sampled from the engine sump and 2 hoses are easily connected between the engine and TLA/RNT equipment. Additional volume is limited to 1.5 litre.
Continuous wear measurement on engines
Extremely high sensitivity and accuracy : up to tenth of a nanometer wear.
Up to 5 engine parts simultaneously monitored.
Analysis of transient phases (road/mountains/highway cycles).
Direct or Indirect measurement.
Significant reduction of test duration
The extreme sensitivity and accuracy of the methodology allows reducing significantly test durations compared to conventional wear measurement procedures.
Combine it with an Air-Mix for specific engine conditions
Components tested
Cylinder sleeves
Piston rings
Valves & seats
Turbocharger bearings
Timing chain
Conrod bearings
Full package service measurement
Measurements can be performed at our test centre, or as a service measurement at your own test facilities.